Bit about Food

Mariehamn offers various opportunities for culinary delights, from burgers to fine dining, and a fair number of places for pizza. It feels a bit like pizza and Thai food are the most common restaurants in Åland. Feel to share your exploits on social media with appropriate tags #åcon12 or #aacon12 and then some.

Adlon offers tasty pizzas, from 2PM until 8PM (9PM on Friday-Saturday). Hotel breakfast is from 7AM to 10AM on Friday and 7.30AM to 10.30AM on weekend. Nearby Draken kebab should be open on Friday from 11AM to 7PM and on weekend from 1PM to 7PM.

As Thursday is Ascension Day, a fair bit of places have reduced opening times, so do check out the interwebs. There is a 24/7 pizza machine in town!

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